Doing business from Bulgaria made simple

  • Stay flexible with our company as a service subscriptions.
  • Benefit from our competitive and transparent pricing and avoid hidden costs.
  • Get started quickly with our streamlined digital setup process.
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No company registration needed

Use our shared company with our hosted plans to start invoicing your customers from Bulgaria today. No heaps of documents to sign, no visits to notary offices, no lengthy bank account opening formalities.

Bookkeeping service on a monthly subscription

With our subscription, you get all you need to do business from Bulgaria. Stay flexible and cancel anytime. If you need to register as a Freelancer or get a limited liability company yourself, we help you with that too.

Support from local experts and a global community

We partner with local experts and developed unique products to provide the best solution for your situation. Get access to a global community of solopreneurs, doing business around the globe.

Choose Plan

Start your solopreneur business in Bulgaria today.
Subscriptions start at 0€ /mo

The best solution for every use case

/ flex

Travis is working as an online French teacher occasionally.

He's not making huge amounts of money with it. One thing is sure for him, though: he doesn't want to go through the hassle of registering a company and wasting his time on bookkeeping. co/company can help Travis with its Flex membership, allowing him to start billing from Bulgaria immediately.

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/ freelancer

Femke is a digital nomad from the Netherlands.

She's working as a coach and expert in personal productivity with clients all over the world. Femke wants to keep traveling the world but lower her expenses. Bulgaria is very attractive (not only) in this regard. co/company helps her setting up her homebase in Bulgaria with its Freelancer plan: Femke becomes self-employed and automatically enjoys a 25% tax cut.

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/ bootstrapper

Rosa and her friend are bootstrapping a dating app.

They got the idea during a retreat in Bali. The concept is great, but they don't know yet how to monetize it. Since they don't have much revenue yet, it's too early to register a company. After all, they don't know if it's going to be a success. Rosa and her friend are using co/company to host their project until it makes sense to register a separate business for it.

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/ company

Lasse is running a software as a service business.

He's doing a lot of work himself to get his online service up and running and relies on two contract programmers from Ukraine. Now Lasse wants to lower his overall costs by moving to Bulgaria. Since his business is dealing with sensitive data, the best option for him is to register a company with limited liability.

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